Family Time

Being stuck a home during a  NOUN storm is the WORST! My  ADJECTIVE brother Rodrick has been banging on his  NOUN all day. It's driving me totally  ADJECTIVE. Dad is  PLURAL NOUN stuffing his  PART OF THE BODY (PLURAL) in my  ADJECTIVE brother Manny. Manny won't stop  VERB ENDING IN . Even out  ANIMAL, Sweeite, is upset by all the noise. For a while, he's just been  VERB ENDING IN in the corner, but then he just peed on the  NOUN. Well, someone else can clean it up because I'm NOT doing it. Mom is the only one who moves to Rodrick's music, because she's been  VERB ENDING IN around the house. When I said there was no way, she told me not to get such a wet  NOUN, whatever that means. All I can get to say is that I'll be really  ADJECTIVE if school is cancelled tomorrow.