Mario’s Game Night

 NOUN Invited all of his  NOUN over for game night. He decided to put out  COLOR plates because that is his favorite color. He wanted them to have a  ADJECTIVE time together. He got ready by  PLURAL VERB cookies and other sweet treats. He set out his favorite  NOUN for them to play with. One of his friends was visiting from  COUNTRY so he wanted to introduce him to his other  NOUN. Once they all came over, they  PAST TENSE VERB the treats and started to  VERB . They had a  ADJECTIVE time spending the evening together. Many of his friends loved how  ADJECTIVE Mario was and thanked him for having them over. When it got late, they all went  PLACE . They were all tired from having so much  ADJECTIVE and eating so many yummy that they slept well and had  ADJECTIVE dreams.