Water Resources Day Resolutions

 PLURAL NOUN of this County, it is time to recognize one of the most  ADJECTIVE natural resources in the world. We simply cannot survive without water. It makes up  NUMBER% of our body and allows us to survive for up to  NUMBER of days without food. To protect this  ADJECTIVE resource, we propose the following resolutions. WHEREAS in the State of Michigan, water pollution is becoming a  ADJECTIVE problem. Some factors that contribute to this  NOUN include high carbon emissions from  PLURAL NOUN and  PLURAL NOUN, wastewater, and  ADJECTIVE climate changes. WHEREAS water is a finite resource, and it is our duty as  PLURAL NOUN to preserve the environment in a  ADVERB manner. WHEREAS water infrastructures such as dams, aqueducts, wells, and other facilities help with the flow and  VERB people to afford safe drinking water. WHEREAS supplies of water can be conserved through  ADJECTIVE actions and habits practiced by  ADJECTIVE  PLURAL NOUN. It is important to  ADVERB dispose hazardous materials and volunteer to  VERB at cleanups. WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of Commissioners should declare and official Water Resources Day to recognize the  ADJECTIVE efforts of WRC. WHEREAS lack of  ADJECTIVE water is a serious threat to  PLACE, and it is our duty as to protect the resource that is essential to every living thing. As a result, WRC is constantly working to help those in need feel  PAST TENSE VERB.