Day In The Life Of A Ranch Hand

As the sun rises, the ranch hand awakens to the sound of  ANIMAL (PLURAL) crowing and  ANIMAL (PLURAL) whinnying. He puts on his boots and hat, and heads out to tend to the animals. First, he  VERB (ENDING IN ING) the chickens and collects their eggs. Then, he checks on the horses, making sure they have enough  NOUN and  NOUN. Next, he saddles up his horse and rides out to the fields to  VERB on the cattle. He spends the morning rounding them up and checking for any injuries or illnesses. After a  ADJECTIVE lunch, he spends the rest of the day  VERB (ENDING IN ING) fences and doing other maintenance work around the ranch. As the sun sets, the ranch hand heads back to his cabin exhausted but satisfied with a hard day's work. He enjoys a  ADJECTIVE dinner before  VERB (ENDING IN ING) off to bed to do it all over again the next day.