The All-Father's Forebodings

One day, Odin’s  PLURAL NOUN Hugin and Munin did not return to  PLACE to report to  PERSONS NAME all the  PLURAL NOUN they had heard and seen. Another day passed, and when they  ADVERB returned they told the father god of  PLURAL NOUN and foreboding. Odin did not tell the Aesir, but Frigga saw the  PLURAL NOUN in his eyes and knew he was  ADJECTIVE . She suggested that Odin visit the holy Norns for their  ABSTRACT NOUN . Odin traveled with Tyr, the greatest  NOUN, Baldur, the most beautiful and  ADJECTIVE , and Thor with his  NOUN. Heimdall the guard let them  VERB over the  ADJECTIVE rainbow bridge that led to Urda’s Well. Looking into the eyes of the holy ones who  PAST TENSE VERB the past, present and future, he saw that the shadows and foreboding told to him by his ravens were  ADJECTIVE . Odin decided that he needed to leave  PLACE and travel to the world of  PLURAL NOUN . He would seek the wisdom needed to make the  SUPERLATIVE ADJECTIVE future possible. “Tomorrow I shall be  PERSONS NAME the Wanderer upon the ways of Midgard and Jotenheim”.