Crank That

“What’s up?” I asked. “You’re beautiful”, said the  ADJECTIVE frog sitting on a  ADJECTIVE  NOUN. “Don’t you have a boyfriend?” I asked. “No,” said the frog, “I’m  ADJECTIVE and I don’t have any  PLURAL NOUN. Do you wanna go on a date with me?” I thought it over and figured, why not? He told me to be ready by  A SPECIFIC TIME OF DAY. I got all dolled up in my best  PIECE OF CLOTHING. It was  ADJECTIVE and  ADJECTIVE , perfect for a  NUMBER date! He came to pick me up right on time. He drove us to a  ADJECTIVE restaurant in his  YEAR  ADJECTIVE  TYPE OF CAR . The menu looked so good. I ordered the  ADJECTIVE chicken with a side of raw  PLURAL NOUN . The date was going great until the bill came. Frog said, “you’re paying it,  WORD TO CALL SOMEONE” I couldn’t believe it! I thought he was going to be the love of my life. I was wrong!!!!