How To Clean Your Computer

Since I use my computer everyday, it can get  ADJECTIVE really  ADVERB . I always make sure to  VERB it every  NUMBER days in order to keep it shiny and  ADJECTIVE . I'll grab a soft  NOUN from the  ROOM and  ADVERB wipe the keyboard down to get rid of all the  PLURAL NOUN . Then I spray some  TYPE OF LIQUID on the screen to get it nice and  ADJECTIVE . This week, it was extra dirty because my little brother,  BOY'S NAME , decided to bring his  ADJECTIVE plate of  TYPE OF FOOD into my room and eat it at my desk. When I yelled  EXCLAMATION and told him to stop, he  VERB his foot at me and continued  VERB ENDING IN ED so hard that he spilled all of his  SAME TYPE OF FOOD all over my  NOUN. That is the last time I let my  ADJECTIVE little brother in my room ever again.