Nightswan Style

Nightswan cuts a  ADJECTIVE and  ADJECTIVE figure, refined in both social graces and the cutthroat nature of the streets. Her clothing is armoured, in a  ADJECTIVE way. The blend of light armour and  ADJECTIVE material creates a  ADJECTIVE appearance. Wearing mostly  COLOR with a few  ADJECTIVE highlights of  COLOR, she  VERB  ADVERB into the dimly lit room. It's a trap of course, and she is well aware, but an air of  ADJECTIVE surrounds her regardless. Drawing her  WEAPON, she glances around the room with  ADJECTIVE  COLOR eyes, picking our the dark shifting shapes that are little more than her victims. Always  PAST TENSE VERB, Rye would be well aware of an actual threat amidst the room, but the half dozen  ANIMAL NAME familiars had already located the only two people of note, both cowering, in a bolted room behind the darkened entry way, she would handle them later but first, to learn why she was not to be crossed, were the goons. A  ADJECTIVE of magic comes together in and around her  NOUN/NOUNS a  ADJECTIVE  COLOR to enhance what is about to be a very one sided display of  ADJECTIVE skill and precision and spell and steel  VERB through her foes with  ADJECTIVE.