The Taming Of The Caterpillar

Once upon a time in a small  NOUN a caterpillar was born. The caterpillar ate people and  NOUN. It also liked  FLAVOR OF ICEE icees. It ravaged the towns seeking more and more  NOUN. The caterpillar was eating every single  NOUN in the village, until a little girl named  PERSONS NAME hugged it. She started to feed it some overgrown broccoli. Then the girl's friend named  PERSONS NAME started stroking the caterpillar's back with a  A PETTING ITEM USED TO STROKE PETS and brushing his teeth. The Caterpillar started to feel frightened, but then felt warm and  ADJECTIVE. It came close to the little girl and liked her  PART OF BODY and  PIECE OF CLOTHING. A few months later, the girl had trained the Caterpillar to help around in the  PLACE. The Caterpillar had changed and now helped the  PLACE develop into a caterpillar loving community. The End.