Fire Stone

"  VERB,  PERSONS NAME!  VERB,  VERB,  VERB!" I yelled. The  COLOR-and-  COLOR  ANIMAL is coming for us!!" My crew had started out with  3 DIDGIT NUMBER people, but now we only have  1 DIDGIT NUMBER. The mean beastly  SAME ANIMAL viciously attacked poor  PERSONS NAME and he/she/they plummeted off of a cliff. We ran and ran and ran. Suddenly, I shouted, "  VERB now!!!" We all got into the  ADJECTIVE,  COLOR teleporter and now we were safe... "!" I shouted. ",  ADJECTIVE  PLURAL NOUN  PLURAL VERB  PERSONS NAME  PLACE  COUNTRY  PAST TENSE VERB...!" yelled everyone else. That was our motto even if it didn't make sense at ALL. And the beastly  SAME ANIMAL was transformed into a regular  SAME ANIMAL!