An Ordinary Day In The Life Of A...

It was another  ADJECTIVE day, the clouds were  COLOR, the grass was  VERB and the weather was  ADJECTIVE . Oh yeah,  ADJECTIVE me, I forgot to introduce myself! I am  ATTRACTIVE PERSONS NAME . I am from  COUNTRY and live in a  COLOR ,  ADJECTIVE Mansion with my friend  PERSONS NAME . I have a beautiful most wonderful boyfriend/girlfriend named  A BEAUTIFUL GIRL'S/BOY'S NAME . Sometimes, during  A TIME OF DAY , we  ROMANTIC VERB very  ADVERB . It is very entertaining, Especially the  VERB part. My favorite place to eat is  PLACE because I love their  A FOOD and the  PLURAL NOUN . When I am bored, I play  A SPORT with  PERSONS NAME at  PLACE . One time I won a/an  SOMETHING THAT CAN BE AWARDED . I was very happy because after  ADVERB  VERB , starting from  COUNTRY all the way to  COUNTRY , and very  ADVERB  VERB , I won it. All of my friends were proud of me, but  PERSONS NAME was the most proud since they  PLURAL VERB me every time I  VERB  PLURAL NOUN . It was very  A KIND OF FEELING that day. I work full time at a  PLACE ,  VERB ENDING WITH ING every single  ADJECTIVE day. Once I was working so  ADVERB I  PAST TENSE VERB . It was  ADJECTIVE . But yeah that is a/an  ADJECTIVE day in the life of a  ADJECTIVE ,  ADJECTIVE ,  ADJECTIVE ,  ADJECTIVE ,  PLURAL VERB  PERSONS NAME .