Nintendo's Next Great Mario Game

The Mushroom Kingdom has enjoyed peace for  NUMBER: 0 TO 1000 days. But trouble is brewing in the  FRUIT OR VEGETABLE Kingdom. Mario and  MARIO ALLY find out that  NUMBER: 2 TO 1000  PLURAL MARIO ENEMY have stolen a  ADJECTIVE  SINGULAR NOUN from the castle and they have to  VERB Bowser all the way to  CITY NAME to get it back. But Mario finds himself powerless, his abilities taken from him by a  ADJECTIVE  ANIMAL. The only thing that can help save that day is a new powerup, given to Mario by the ghost of  MARIO ALLY. This new powerup can turn Mario into a  SINGULAR NOUN. Will our hero harness this power and save the day!? Find out this holiday season when you dive into the world of Super Mario  ADJECTIVE.