Weird Desserts

Surely in your lifetime you've eaten lots of tasty desserts, but have you heard of the new craze of eating 'Weird-Desserts'!? In the  ADJECTIVE world of weird-dessert eating  PLURAL NOUN are proud of their  ADJECTIVE recipes. These  GROUP MEMBERS even brag about the  ADJECTIVE  PLURAL NOUN that they've eaten for dessert. The latest trend in this  ADJECTIVE undertaking, is to make a long list of the  PLURAL NOUN one has eaten while  VERB ENDING IN ING. Some  ADJECTIVE participants even try to eat  NUMBER desserts in under a  TIME , or attempt to swallow as many  COLOR  ADJECTIVE  PLURAL TYPE OF FOOD as they can before their opponent can  VERB . One weird-desserter (as they call themselves) even said, "I finally completed my goal of  VERB ENDING IN ING a  ADJECTIVE  DESSERT underwater!" Yes, it certainly is a  ADJECTIVE  PLACE for weird-desserts, but maybe that's why  GROUP PLURAL love it so much!