Meeting My Friend - Past Continuus And Present Perfect Verbs

I  VERB PAST CONT I last night when I saw my  ADJECTIVE friend at the  PLACE. She is  NUMBER years old with  ADJECTIVE hair that is  COLOR and she grew up in  COUNTRY. She is a very  ADJECTIVE person. For example, she  VERB PRES PERF SHE, and  VERB PRESPERF SHE over  NUMBER times. When I'm with her, I feel  ADJECTIVE EMOTION because I just  VERB PRES PERF I once in my life. My friend  VERB PAST CONT SHE while she told me about her new  ADJECTIVE. She was very  ADJECTIVE EMOTION about it, because her boyfriend,  BOY'S NAME loved it. I  VERB PAST CONT I while I listened, so I was not paying attention to anything else. My friend yelled out "," and I  VERB PAST I! That has never happened to me before. However, I  VERB PRES PERF I many times, and one time I  VERB PAST CONT I while I was driving. My friend laughed and told me she  VERB PRES PERF SHE.​