Chaotic Chaos.

You have been chosen to become an  NOUN in  PLACE . But there is one problem: You have never heard a word from the  PLURAL NOUN . Regardless, you pretend you do, and the next  NUMBER  TIME go relatively  ADJECTIVE , although you do feel  EMOTION for giving  ADJECTIVE advice to those few  ADJECTIVE  NOUN. But when a  ADJECTIVE  NOUN in a hooded cloak arrives, seeking guidance from you specifically, you confess. You tell her not to heed your advice, for you cannot  VERB with  NOUN. You  VERB them not to  VERB anyone else. They smile, removing their hood. Something inside of you tells you that this is  PERSONS NAME. You fall to your knees, and they shake their head,  VERB you for your  ADJECTIVE. They request you come with them. In shock, you agree and, with a simple touch of her hand, you are transported to the halls of  PLACE, where you train with  PERSONS NAME and learn that the names of each  NOUN are titles passed down through many  PLURAL NOUN.