Our Eventful Day

We were not going to the  PLACE because we were busy  VERB ENDING N ING in front of a big fat  ANIMAL and a bunch of  PLURAL NOUN in the sea. So we went ahead and filled the  CONTAINER with  LIQUID on the side, then we took a picture of a shower curtain that was taped to the side of the house. All of a sudden, a  ADJECTIVE spider crawled into my yard and started singing  SONG. It is a good song but the spider is very bad at singing, so I threw a  LARGE OBJECT at her. She exploded and I went on walking to the  NOUNin the ocean with Raymond from Animal Crossing and we ate a sandwich with some  FOOD on top of it. Suddenly, a man came over and asked if I like  FOOD, I said yes and he started talking about  PLURAL NOUN then he sang the Sour Grapes song from Teen Titans Go. After he finished the song, he  PAST TENSE VERB. Then Raymond came over and gave me a hug and told me that he played  VIDEO GAME with his friends Mitzi, Marshal and Sasha. As he said that, Sasha arrived and said he owed us a carrot. We saw Sasha reaching into his pockets and he pulled out a carrot that smelled like  FOOD. Then Mitzi and Marshal came to our restaurant and asked if they were hungry or not because we were eating cereal with  UTENSIL (PLURAL). We asked them why a  ANIMAL was eating bread. They showed us how to make a  DESSERT milkshake with banana butter. Then the song Don’t Flinch by Octoplush started playing and Mitzi recognised the song from Splatoon 3. As the sun set, Rudolph appeared on a video game called  NOUN in the Background with his friends playing with the  NOUN and the Tooth Fairy playing in the air with a giant  NOUN on the ground. We laughed and we all ran to the table to watch the movie about the Tooth Fairy in the middle of the  NOUN. We were all  VERB ENDING IN ING to the beat when suddenly the sound came through the door of doom and gloom in the middle of the street where  PLURAL NOUN were standing on the edge of the window. We had been waiting for the bus to turn into a  NOUN for two seconds when the driver came out and asked us if we could use a seat to get to the airport so he wouldn’t get stuck in a room full of  PLURAL NOUN. I asked the man to stop staring at the door to the  NOUN dimension. He was very nervous because I thought he was being very  ADJECTIVE, so he exploded into a cloud of laughter and sparkles. Today was very weird but ok. Let’s say we can play  VIDEO GAME while watching  CARTOON because it would be fun :)