
 BRIDE'S NAME and  GROOM'S NAME are tying the knot! We're all gathered here in  VENUE/LOCATION to celebrate their love. They first met at  PLACE/EVENT, where was  ADJECTIVE and  GROOM'S NAME couldn't help but  VERB. After  NUMBER years of dating,  GROOM'S NAME finally popped the question at  LOCATION. He got down on one  BODY PART and said, ", will you  ACTION VERB me?" Today, they promise to  PROMISE OR ACTION each other in sickness and in  NOUN, through  ADJECTIVE times and  ADJECTIVE moments. The best part of the day will be when they share their first  ACTIVITY OR MOMENT as a married couple. We'll all  VERB and  VERB as they  VERB into the night. Let's raise our  BEVERAGE and toast to a lifetime of  ADJECTIVE moments, endless  NOUN, and never-ending  ADJECTIVE!