A Valentine's Day Love Letter

Dear  PERSONS NAME , To  VERB the  EMOTION that I feel for you is quite  SYNONYM OF 'HARD'.  NOUN are not enough to describe how much I  EMOTION you. If love was a  NOUN then I would  VERB with you every day.  EMOTION ENDING IN ING has been the highlight of my life. For you have  VERB ED me, and I am now a  ADJECTIVE, and  ADJECTIVE person. If our  EMOTION ended today, then I would lose my  NOUN. You are the reason I wake up every  TIME OF DAY with a  ADJECTIVE on my  BODY PART. You bring  ADJECTIVE to my life. You give me  ADJECTIVE for the future. I hope to spend many dates with you  VERB to  RESTAURANT, enjoying  NOUN, and traveling to many  ADJECTIVE  NOUNs. Every moment we are together brings  ADJECTIVE to my  VERB, and every moment apart I lose my  NOUN Your  BODY PART is all I need. Your  EMOTION is all I need. I  EMOTION you and will for  NUMBER year(s). With all my  BODY PART,  PERSONS NAME P.S. Roses are  COLOR, Violets are blue, Our  EMOTION will last a lifetime, This much is true.