Millie's Baby

When Millie was about  NUMBER months pregnant, she had a  ADJECTIVE thought: Having a baby is a little like launching a product! It starts with a spark. And just like a product takes shape, your belly  PLURAL VERB  ADJECTIVE. You have a vision. You can imagine what things will be like when your  ADJECTIVE baby enters the  PLACE. You get lots of input from stakeholders (in this case your  ADJECTIVE family, your  ADJECTIVE friends, that  ADJECTIVE exec team, and your  ADJECTIVE colleagues. Even your  ADJECTIVE  OCCUPATION has a few useless  PLURAL NOUN to share. At home,  PERSONS NAME does the engineering and  PERSONS NAME does the QA, making sure all of the  PLURAL NOUN are in order. Eventually, when you feel  ADJECTIVE, like you're about to burst, you go into labour. Sometimes you work all night and you  SOUND and  BODILY FUNCTION and your  BODY PART PLURAL turn  COLOR. Your partner is  EMOTION as they  VERB at all the hard work you're doing. Finally your  ADJECTIVE baby, your  ADJECTIVE product, is born, and after some  ADJECTIVE tests, it's ready for the  PLACE. Come to think of it, it's all pretty overwhelming. Good thing Millie's maternity leave is  HIGH NUMBER months off! THE END