Alyssa The Ping Pong Queen

Alyssa Gath has only been playing ping pong for  NUMBER years but already at 17 she is queen of the sport. She plays  ADVERB and  ADVERB. She is a  ADJECTIVE player with  ADJECTIVE skills. People say she resembles a  ANIMAL while playing. Her serves could crush a  NOUN. Her backspin is  ADJECTIVE. She is superstitious and only likes to play with  COLOR balls. If she can't play with that color she gets  EMOTION. Opponents say  EXCLAMATION after playing her. Her  EMOTION face has intimidated many. Often upon seeing she is their next opponent players will  VERB and forfeit the game. Alyssa has played on many ping pong tables in  PLACE to  PLACE. When asked who she would like to play next, Alyssa, with a  EMOTION grin said  FAMOUS PERSON or  FAMOUS PERSON. When asked if she thinks she could beat them she said  EXCLAMATION.