Blue Skies Mission Statement

We  VERB ourselves to the highest  NOUN of excellence in everything we do. We emulate kindness and  NOUN with our words and our actions. We are always learning to better  VERB, BEING DONE TO SOMEONE our families and each other. We welcome  PERSONS NAME into our classrooms and onto our  PLACE . We are not a place; we are a  PLACE . Blue Skies believes every child should  VERB . We recognize that every child is  ADJECTIVE , and we make equity a priority by welcoming children of all backgrounds, cultures, experiences, identities, abilities, and  PLACE . Our classrooms are one of discovery, where every child is provided similar  NOUN, where differences are  VERB , and where all children can feel they belong and are included. Blue Skies Exploration Academy will follow guidance  PLACE and local agencies and always commit to putting your child’s health  NUMBER .