The Hardships In Jamestown

The  ADJECTIVE settlers had selected this location because, they  ADVERB believed that the  ADJECTIVE river provided clean, refreshing, drinking water. Little did they know they realized that the site was marshy. Next thing you know, the  ADJECTIVE settlers did not find any gold except Pyrite aka fool’s gold. All the  ADJECTIVE men did was “dig gold, wash gold, refine gold, and load gold” written by the  ADJECTIVE John Smith. But, once the Jamestown fort was completed finally,there was a horrible disease called typhoid! Bartholomew Gosnold one of the settlers died from that and many others did too.Then, after the colony faced typhoid they had to experience the distress of starvation. Many excited people from England came to Jamestown without the survival skills or tools needed to farm and hunt for food.The colony really wanted that nightmare to end but it didn’t. Because a bad drought had come just when new settlers arrived. This drought made it harder for the settlers to grow food, which left them with nothing like a delicious burger without french fries. In the winter of 1609 to 1610 came it was what was known as "The Starving time."The reason it’s called that is because the settlers were hungry as a hippo.