Life At Our House

Life at the Chryst  BUILDING can be very  ADJECTIVE . Most days, Dad goes to  VERB and Mom puts up with  VERB  PLURAL NOUN . Bailey is never far from the  NOUN and often smells like  CHEMICAL . Helena slings  FOOD at the Olive  NOUN and studies  NOUN. And Morgan hangs around with her  ADJECTIVE friends and goes to get  NOUN. Sometimes Watson and Chole, our pet  TYPE OF ANIMAL s, like to go outside and eat  NOUN. Sometimes they just  VERB. Once every few weeks the  VERB lady comes and everyone  VERB the house. The neighbors are  ADJECTIVE and it's usually quiet, except when the kids throw  PLURAL NOUN at the back of our house. Then dad turns into a  MONSTER,  VERB, and makes them  VERB in their pants. Sometimes  NAME visits and brings presents, like  NOUN,  NOUN, and  PLURAL NOUN . We think he's  ADJECTIVE . We wouldn't want to  VERB anywhere else.