Naughty Or Nice?

Not sure whether you're on the nice list of the naughty  NOUN? Take this  ADJECTIVE quiz to find out! 1. When your parent asks you to clean up your  NOUN, you say (a) "OK!" or (b) "I wouldn't clean up my  NOUN if I were the last  NOUN on earth!" 2. When you find  NUMBER dollars on the street, you (a) take it to the local  NOUN station or (b) immediately go to the  PLURAL NOUN store and purchase as many  PLURAL NOUN as you can find. 3. When you have to write an essay about  PLURAL NOUN for school, you (a) finish it as soon as you can or (b) watch  NUMBER hours of reruns of Judge  PERSON IN ROOM on TV instead. If you answered mostly a's, good news! You've been a good  NOUN this year. Answered mostly b's/ Sorry, Santa might just be bringing you a lump of  NOUN for Christmas!