Dakota's Christmas Morning

It was Christmas morning; a  ADJECTIVE mother was filled with  NOUN. Her house was full of laughter,  NOUN, and the sweet aroma of coffee. Her children  PAST TENSE VERB around the house in their  COLOR pajamas as they followed Santa's scavenger hunt, her personal  ADJECTIVE family tradition. However she was not able to  VERB and soak up the moment, she had her own  NOUN to complete. How cool that she and her  ADJECTIVE husband had their own elves!? Despite their trickery and mischievous ways, they always filled her with joy. Alongside her chipper husband, they had to complete  NUMBER activities together as part of the scavenger hunt. He may not have been much  NOUN, but he was  ADJECTIVE entertainment. After searching, melting, and ripping, her last activity would finally lead to the ending gifts! She had to find a place that was not  ADVERB big, not too  ADJECTIVE , not too obvious, and not too difficult to reach (one of the elves is vertically challenged.) After careful consideration she knew it had to be in her  ADJECTIVE new shop!