The Christmas Party

My  ADJECTIVE neighbors host a yearly Christmas party. This  NOUN, they invited  NUMBER  PLURAL NOUN from  PLACE to their  ADJECTIVE  NOUN. My family decided to go, and no one was prepared for the  ADJECTIVE night ahead of them. I have a few memories that stood out to me, but my family thought that they were best to forget. First: We were the first to arrive, and we saw a/an  NOUN  VERB around the house,  ADJECTIVE . The  SAME NOUN looked over and  VERB at us. We  ADVERB  VERB twoards the kitchen to  VERB. Something  ADJECTIVE happened after that. Which brings me to my second story: Our hosts,  PERSONS NAME and  PERSONS NAME, all of a sudden  VERB to the  PLACE on the other side of their house to get a/an  NOUN. No one had spoken to any of us the entire time we were there, and we had been there for  NUMBER  UNIT OF TIME! Eventually, other guests arrived and they, unlike us, were greeted by a/an  NOUN that  VERB to them and  VERB ENDING IN ED. Some guests brought  ADJECTIVE  FOOD for the Christmas Buffett, which our  ADJECTIVE neighbors neglected to provide for. The night was going great. There were so many  NOUN strung up around the  PLURAL NOUN throughout the house, which add so much to the Christmas  NOUN. MY THIRD STORY, WHICH IS MY PERSONAL FAVORITE: ABOUT HALFWAY THROUGH THE PARTY A/AN [ADJECTIVE  NOUN came  VERB ENDING IN ING to the house and screamed  EXCLEMATION/PHRASE!  EXCLEMATION/PHRASE! We all looked out the  NOUN and saw a/an  ADJECTIVE man with a/an  NOUN on his  BODY PART. We all  VERB ENDING IN ED out of fear and  VERB ENDING IN ED. Good times. At the end of the night we were all  ADJECTIVE and  ADJECTIVE. Which leads me to my fourth memory: Right before we left, our  ADJECTIVE neighbors came up to us and said “” to my parents, then looked to me and said “”. That made me feel so  ADJECTIVE that when I got back to  PLACE, I  VERB ENDING IN ED and  VERB on my  COLOR  NOUN. That’s when  PERSONS NAME  VERB and gave me  PLURAL NOUN and  VERB. My fifth and final story: The Christmas  NOUN had just  VERB and everyone was so  ADJECTIVE. When all of a sudden, a/an  NOUN decided to  VERB everything in sight. Which  ADVERB made the Christmas  PLURAL NOUN  VERB and  VERB. We were so  ADJECTIVE and  ADJECTIVE. In conclusion, I am surprised that my  ADJECTIVE family let us go to our  ADJECTIVE neighbor’s  NOUN that day. We definitely didn’t expect any of that from this year’s party.