Cory's Christmas Gift

Once upon a time, There was a  ADJECTIVE husband who was married to a lovely  NOUN . She is pregnant this year with his  NOUN named  PERSONS NAME . Well, she was needing ideas for his christmas gift this year. She finally came up with something. Her husband is a  ADJECTIVE  ADVERB fitness man. But the problem is, our  NOUN, Cedar Grove Wellness Center, increased our membership. We don't go enough anyways. SOOOO.. my husband has been  VERB all these  ADJECTIVE workout videos online. But it can be very limiting. He also  PLURAL VERB P90x videos. *DRUM ROLL PLEASE* You now have a 4 month subscription to Beach Body! This gives you  NUMBER videos you can access through your phone, TV, or  NOUN. Congratulations, and get ready to be SWOLE and  ADJECTIVE . This gives you the opportunity to workout in the comfort of your own  NOUN.