7 English's Famous Hot Chocolate Recipe

The best way to warm up after being outside in the  ADJECTIVE cold winter has to be to  VERB some hot chocolate! So listen up if you want to make the most  ADJECTIVE hot chocolate ever! All you need is chocolate, a cup of water, and the secret ingredient:  FOOD NOUN from  COUNTRY ! First you'll need to  VERB a cup of water on the stove. Second, you will  ADVERB stir your cocoa into the pot. Don't let it boil over or else you'll have to clean up a  ADJECTIVE mess! Of course, what cup of hot cocoa wouldn't be complete without  FOOD NOUN? And lots of whip cream! When your cup of hot cocoa is complete, enjoy it in the  PLACE IN THE HOUSE while you watch  MOVIE TITLE with your pet  ANIMAL by your side! Enjoy and stay  ADJECTIVE !