
Once upon a time, in  PLACE, our now newly married couple crossed paths in the most  ADJECTIVE way imaginable. It all started when  PARTNER 1 was  VERB ENDING IN 'ING' in the local  PLACE and  PARTNER 2 happened to be there too. As they  VERB ENDING IN 'ED' around, their eyes locked, and it was as if  NOUN had struck through their hearts. couldn’t resist the urge to  VERB over and strike up a conversation. They chatted about their mutual love for  HOBBY and even shared a hilarious story about when  SOMETHING EMBARRASSING TO HAPPEN TO SOMEONE. The chemistry between them was undeniable, and before they knew it, they were  VERB ENDING IN 'ING' together like they had known each other forever. Now they are here getting married in front of their  ADJECTIVE guests.