'Twas The Night Before...

‘Twas the night before  HOLIDAY, when all through the  NOUN, Not a  NOUN was stirring, not even a  ANIMAL; The  PLURAL NOUN were  VERB by the chimney with care, In hopes that  FAMOUS PERSON would soon be there; The  PLURAL NOUN were nestled all snug in their  PLURAL NOUN, While visions of  PLURAL NOUN  PAST TENSE VERB their heads; And  PERSONS NAME in their ‘kerchief, and I in my  ARTICLE OF CLOTHING, Had just settled down for a long winter’s nap, When out on the  PLACE there arose such a  NOISE, I  PAST TENSE VERB from the  NOUN to see what was the matter. When, what to my wondering  BODY PART should appear, But a  ADJECTIVE sleigh, and  NUMBER tiny  NOUN. With a  ADJECTIVE old  NOUN, so lively and quick, I knew in a moment it must be  FAMOUS PERSON. A bundle of  PLURAL NOUN they had flung on their  BODY PART, And they looked like a  PROFESSION just opening their pack. Their  BODY PART—how they twinkled! Their  BODY PART how merry! Their cheeks were like  PLURAL NOUN, their nose like a  NOUN! They had a  ADJECTIVE face and a little  ADJECTIVE belly, That shook, when they  PAST TENSE VERB like a bowlful of jelly. They  PAST TENSE VERB not a word, but went straight to their work, And  PAST TENSE VERB all the  PLURAL NOUN; then turned with a jerk, They  PAST TENSE VERB to their  NOUN, to their team gave a whistle, And away they all  PAST TENSE VERB like the down of a thistle. But I heard them exclaim, ere they  PAST TENSE VERB out of sight, Happy  HOLIDAY to all and to all a  ADJECTIVE night!