Christmas Morning With The Resqueue Rangers

On a frosty Christmas morning, the lively group of pals nestled in a cabin amidst a frosty forest. The air crackled with a  FEELING feeling as they prepared to dive into a pile of  ADJECTIVE presents under the tree. AD tore open the first present, expecting a  ADJECTIVE gift. Instead, she found a pair of  PLURAL NOUN that she used as clothing and  PAST TENSE VERB across the room! Alex tore into a box that held a  ADJECTIVE snow-making machine, making it  VERB indoors, much to everyone's  NOUN. Terrence unwrapped a box marked "DO NOT SHAKE" and with a  ADJECTIVE grin, he shook it vigorously. Out popped a  NOUN, showering the room in a  NOUN of colors! Don, being the ready one, received a  MATERIAL  NOUN shaped present but when he opened it, a troop of  ADJECTIVE elves popped out,  VERB ENDING WITH ING carols and  VERB ENDING WITH ING Terrence's  CLOTHING ITEM. Armando, the  ADJECTIVE adventurer, tore open a package to find a  NOUN that led to a  NOUN chest buried somewhere in  PLACE. Brittany B received a  ADJECTIVE cookbook that attracted every  LIVING ORGANISM from near and far to her side. Avery's present was a  ADJECTIVE parrot that  PAST TENSE VERB in  ADJECTIVE jokes, much to everyone's  NOUN. Benjamin, received a box that burst open with a loud  SOUND, leaving everyone  PAST TENSE VERB over in their  PLURAL NOUN. Brittney M got a pair of  ADJECTIVE glasses that made everything look like it was covered in  PLURAL NOUN. Finally, Brandon found a  ADJECTIVE box with no label. He cautiously opened it to find... another  NOUN! And another! And another! Amidst the  ADJECTIVE madness of the moment, they realized that the true gift was the  NOUN of being together and on this  ADJECTIVE Christmas morning.