Resqueue Rangers On Christmas Morning

On a frosty Christmas morning, the lively group of pals—  ADJECTIVE AD,  ADJECTIVE Alex,  ADJECTIVE Terrence,  ADJECTIVE Don,  ADJECTIVE Armando,  ADJECTIVE Brittany B,  ADJECTIVE Avery,  ADJECTIVE Benjamin,  ADJECTIVE Brittney M, and  ADJECTIVE Brandon—gathered in a  ADJECTIVE cabin nestled amidst a frosty forest. The air crackled with  FEELING as they prepared to dive into a heap of  ADJECTIVE presents under the  ADJECTIVE tree. AD, the  NOUN enthusiast, tore open the first present, expecting a  ADJECTIVE gift. Instead, she found a pair of  NOUN that  VERB across the room when he put them on! Alex  VERB and tore into a box that held a  ADJECTIVE snow-making machine, making it  VERB indoors, much to everyone's  NOUN. Terrence unwrapped a box marked " shake" and, with a  ADJECTIVE grin, shook it vigorously. Out popped a  NOUN, showering the room in a  NOUN of colors! Don, being the  ADJECTIVE one, received a gift that seemed to be a  ADJECTIVE box. But when he opened it, a troop of  ADJECTIVE elves popped out,  VERB carols and  VERB cartwheels. Armando, with his  NOUN for adventure, tore open a package to find a  NOUN that led to a  NOUN chest buried somewhere in the  PLACE. Brittany B received a  ADJECTIVE  NOUN, and  ADJECTIVE cookbook that brought every  NOUN to life as she  VERB through the pages. Avery's present was a  ADJECTIVE parrot that kept  VERB jokes, much to everyone's  NOUN. Benjamin, the  NOUN of the group, received a box labeled "Caution: May Explode with Laughter" and sure enough, it burst open with a  NOUN of  NOUN, leaving everyone  ADVERB over in  NOUN. Brittney M got a pair of  ADJECTIVE glasses that made everything look like it was covered in  NOUN. Finally, Brandon  VERB to open a gift, found a  ADJECTIVE box with no label. Hesitant but  ADJECTIVE, he cautiously opened it to find... another  NOUN! And another! And another! As he continued to open box after box, the gang erupted into fits of  NOUN until, at last, he reached the  ADJECTIVE box, which held a  NOUN that read, "The real gift is the  NOUN of  NOUN!" Amidst the  NOUN of flying  NOUN,  VERB  NOUN,  VERB parrots, and the  ADJECTIVE madness of the moment, they realized that the true gift was the  NOUN of being together and  VERB these  ADJECTIVE,  ADJECTIVE moments on this Christmas morning.