The Funeral

I was going to a  ADJECTIVE funeral when I was so bored on the way there. I didn’t know what to say when I got to the funeral because it was my very first time being to one. Finally after we got there I was able to  VERB. The people looked so sad and the looks on their faces were very  ADJECTIVE. I saw a flying  NOUN for the first time. It was absolutely  ADJECTIVE. I  VERB after it and saw that it was too fast to catch.  ADVERB I went to my mum and asked her for chocolate when we were interrupted by this  ADJECTIVE man announcing that the soul and person in the coffin was not dead and that we came here to have a  ADJECTIVE time and to get some free food. I saw my friend  PERSONS NAME from school who is from  COUNTRY and lives in  PLACE . I know that because I have been to his house before. I was having so much fun with my friend until  PERSONS NAME came. He ruined everything and had  PAST TENSE VERB. He is so  ADJECTIVE I know what kind of person does that. I started to think that he was trying to kill us and that he wasn’t so  ADVERB Afterall. I was so  ADJECTIVE at him and couldn’t handle the fact that he was trying to kill us. Later on, after we left the funeral and after we had a big fight my mum took me to  PLACE.