Fun Event Madlib

It was a cold and snowy day in Redmond, Washington. The Microsoft employees were busy working on their latest project: a new  NOUN that would revolutionize the world of  NOUN. They had been working hard for months, and they were eager to finish it before the end of the year. But then, something unexpected happened. The power went out, and all the computers, servers, and devices stopped working. The employees were in a panic. How could they finish their project without electricity? They tried to call the power company, but their phones were dead. They looked outside, and saw that the whole city was covered in darkness. They realized that they had to find another way to work on their project. They decided to use ADJECTIVE] skills ADJECTIVE] creativity to come up with a solution. They gathered some  PLURAL NOUN and some  PLURAL NOUN and started to build a makeshift  NOUN that would power their devices. They used  NOUN as fuel, and  NOUN as wires. They connected everything together and hoped for the best. To their surprise, it worked! Their devices turned on, and they were able to resume their work. They cheered and hugged each other and thanked their  ADJECTIVE leader for his/her  ADJECTIVE guidance. They worked through the night, and finally completed their project. They were so proud of their achievement, and they couldn't wait to share it with the world. The next morning, the power came back on. The Microsoft employees were happy, but they also felt a bit sad. They had enjoyed their adventure, and they had learned a lot from it. They decided to keep their makeshift  NOUN as a souvenir, and as a reminder of their  ADJECTIVE teamwork. They also decided to celebrate their success by having a  NOUN party and inviting their  PLURAL NOUN and __________ (plural noun). They had a lot of fun, and they wished each other a happy  HOLIDAY and a prosperous new year.