The Solar System

The solar system is  ADJECTIVE! It has  NUMBER of planets revolving around a/an  ADJECTIVE sun in the center. The planets are all named after  ADJECTIVE  NOUNS. Our planet,  NAME, is the third planet from the  NOUN. We are the only planet with liquid  NOUN and a temperature that people can  VERB at. Other  ADJECTIVE planets include Jupiter, which is a/an  ADJECTIVE planet that is made of  NOUN and  NOUN. There used to be a ninth planet in the solar system, but it was  PAST TENSE VERB to the status of  ADJECTIVE  NOUN. Humans love to explore the  NOUN. We send out probes like  NOUN and even send some  NOUN to space to  VERB! Someday,  ADJECTIVE people may even be able to go to space for a  NOUN.