A Very Crisis Call

A call comes through to the Veterans Crisis Line. Responder  COLOR answers the call.  SAME COLOR has worked at the crisis for  TIME FRAME FROM 6 MONTHS TO 10 YEARS and their supervisor is  A NEGATIVE LEADERSHIP STYLE, REPRESENTED AS AN ANIMAL. They have worked  NUMBER BETWEEN 1 AND 20 tours in a row, have been on duty since 11am, and is working overtime at the time of the call. A Veteran who served in the  BRANCH OF THE MILITARY for  TIME FRAME FROM 6 MONTHS TO 10 YEARS during the  NAME OF A WAR OR CONFLICT immediately states that he is not suicidal and does not need police to come to his home, is on the line. They report that they have  DSM DIAGNOSIS and  DSM DIAGNOSIS and they haven't taken their  MENTAL HEALTH MEDICATION for the past  TIME FRAME FROM 2 DAYS TO 6 MONTHS . They report that their  RELATIVE (AUNT, COUSIN, MOTHER, ETC recently died by suicide and they are struggling with the same thoughts daily. The Veteran reports that they are driving to  PLACE and plans to  METHOD OF SUICIDE themself when they arrive. They then disconnect the call. What does  SAME COLOR do first?