The World Of Complaints

 TEAM MEMBER was having a nightmare of a day, things just kept going wrong and this incredibly  ADJECTIVE complaint that had just landed on the desk was going to make things a lot more weird. It described how  PERSONS NAME had stumbled upon a contractor from  COMPANY NAME called  PERSONS NAME hiding in their  ROOM with a  ADJECTIVE  VERB in their  BODY PART , it was  COLOR,  ADJECTIVE and in the shape of a  NOUN and made them want to  VERB when they saw it. A  ADJECTIVE argument then happened which was recorded as going like this "  PAST TENSE VERB  ADVERB outside my front door and told me I looked like a  NOUN from  PLACE, and that I've been  VERBing  PLURAL NOUN from the local supermarket, how dare they say such  ADJECTIVE things about me! They shouted at my  ADJECTIVE  ANIMAL,  NAME OF ANIMAL that I saved when I went on holiday to  COUNTRY, I'm so  EMOTION and I want to ask for £  NUMBER in compensation, a signed photo of  CELEBRITY NAME, a  SIZE hamper filled with  FOOD ITEM, lots of  ITEM OF CLOTHING, a  COLOR  KITCHEN APPLIANCE,  FOOD ITEMs  ADVERB wrapped in  COVERING and sprinkled with  A HERB and  SPICE. I would also like  TEAM MEMBER and to perform a  ADJECTIVE rendition of my favourite song,  NOVELTY SONG whilst wearing  COLOR  2 ITEMS OF CLOTHING, playing a  MUSICAL INSTRUMENT and doing an interpretive dance to represent  SEASON. If this doesn't get taken seriously then I will  VERB my  NOUN on the internet, and move to  PLACE and  ACTION  ADJECTIVE for the rest of my life.