Building A Snowman

woke up to the news on Tuesday morning: there was going to be a snow day! His mom woke him up with a  ADJECTIVE snow day breakfast. She had made chocolate chip  PLURAL NOUN in the shape of a  NOUN , with plenty of maple syrup on top. Today was going to be a  ADJECTIVE day. After finishing breakfast, his dad helped him bundle up so he could  VERB in the snow. He put on his snow boots, zippered up his  NOUN, and wrapped the scarf around his  NOUN until all you could see were his eyes. He was ready to go! Outside,  PERSON'S NAME  ADVERB got to work. He  PAST TENSE VERB the snow into three smooth  PLURAL NOUN: one was small, one was  ADJECTIVE, and one was  ADJECTIVE. After  ADVERB stacking them together, his parents brought out a basket of  PLURAL NOUN. Mom added two  ADJECTIVE buttons for eyes, and  PERSON'S NAME put a  NOUN in the middle of the face for a nose. Dad finished the face by adding tiny pieces of black coal for a mouth, making the snowman  VERB. finished the snowman with a long  NOUN for a scarf. But wait! They forgot the hat! Mom dashed into the house, picking up the first thing she found. It was Dad's  ADJECTIVE  NOUN . They put it on the snowman's  NOUN, and then the snowman was perfect.