Male/Female Reproductive System

Once there was a female named  (A)PERSONS NAME. This female was from  COUNTRY and she had a  SIZE problem. Her menstruation cycle, or monthly period, was diagnosed as dysmenorrhea. This means having a difficult and painful period.  (A)PERSONS NAME was very saddened by this, so she went to the doctor. At the beginning of her next period or the menarche, she went to the gynecologist. This is a person who studies the female reproductive system. The gynecologist was named Dr.  (B)PERSONS NAME. The doctor had gone for a  VERB earlier in the day, so she looked a little  ADJECTIVE. That's ok, because she was a good doctor. So  FEMALE FROM EARLIER told the doctor what was going on. She said that she had painful periods and that her breasts hurt a lot. After the doctor did a few tests, one of them being a hysterosalphingogram, or a record of the utererus and fallopian tubes, the doctor diagnosed her and decided endometrial ablation, or a surgical procedure to fix her painful periods, was the best route to go. The doctor also wanted to give her a mammogram. This is a routine breast exam. The doctor found  WHAT DID THEY FIND? in her breast. This was  ADJECTIVE ENDING IN ING because she knew that wasn't supposed to be there! The doctor recommended she go to  PLACE to get this fixed.  (A)PERSONS NAME just wanted to go home to  VERB. What a day!