Holiday Fun

A fter all of our  ADJECTIVE waiting,  HOLIDAY break is finally here! I just can't wait to see all  NUMBER of my  ADJECTIVE family. We'll be  ING VERB and  ING VERB all break. And then  DAY OF THE WEEK, we'll have a  ADJECTIVE feast with all my favorites!  FOOD1,  FOOD2 and  FOOD3 are on the menu, among others. I'm so  EMOTION, I could scream  INTERJECTION!!! After such a  ADJECTIVE dinner, my  RELATIVE we call  NICKNAME, will tell us stories of the old days back in  YEAR, when they used to  VERB and  VERB with  NOUN around the holidays. Then we'll go out to the  PLACE to play until sunset. I may need to sneak more of that  ADJECTIVE from dinner before I  VERB off to bed. At least we have  NUMBER more days before we have to return to school!  INTERJECTION!!!