The Journey Of A High Schooler

When you are ready to take on high school, typically at the age of  NUMBER, the first most important part is to make sure you are attending Thomas Jefferson High School. TJ offers endless opportunities, like  VERB ENDING IN ING and  VERB ENDING IN ING. Of course, TJ also is simply a/an  ADJECTIVE school. When the school year kicks off, you will be a/an  ADJECTIVE freshman. Freshman are commonly called all kinds of names, like  NOUN or  NOUN. Regardless of what you're called, it's important to focus on your  ADJECTIVE self. That way, you can learn to  VERB , and become a/an  ADJECTIVE person. When becoming a freshman, making  NUMBER friend/friends is a  ADJECTIVE step. It doesn't matter if your friend is  PERSONS NAME , or  TEACHER'S NAME , what's important is learning to socialize. Social life isn't your everything though. Academics come first. Whether you're taking classes that study  NOUN or even  NOUN, you need to know how to do your homework  ADVERB and get you're assignments in by  TIME (INCLUDE AM/PM). This way, you can still go to  ADJECTIVE hangouts with friends, or go to  COUNTRY. Homecoming is a/an  ADJECTIVE event that takes place in September. There, you can meet new people like  FAMOUS PERSON, and even learn about  PLURAL NOUN. It's also a  ADJECTIVE time to play  ADVERB in sports.