Jed's Love Story

When they met, it was like he had been hit with a  NOUN. Everything about her was  ADJECTIVE. He  ADJECTIVE EMOTION walked over to her and said  CATCH PHRASE (SHORT). She was so  EMOTION that she  VERB(ED). On their first date, he made a  ADJECTIVE joke and she couldn't help but  VERB. It wasn't long before they were together for  NUMBER years! He just loves her  BODY PART, and she can't get enough of his  BODY PART. He secretly wants to have  NUMBER kids and she wants to start  ACTIVITY (ENDING IN ING) as a couple. And they agreed to get a pet  LIVING THING! Isn't love  NOUN? And as time passes, they know that they may get  ADJECTIVE &  ADJECTIVE, but despite that, they will always love each other's  BODY PART (MULTIPLE), and that my friends, make for a  ADJECTIVE marriage!