Mad Producer Madlibs #1

Hello all you talented musicians, today you'll produce a downright  ADJECTIVE track, with influences from your favorite artist  MUSICIAN/ARTIST . It will feature very  ADVERB rhythmic sounds of  ADJECTIVE  FOOD that leave the listener feeling  COLOR . This track will feature  NOUN who are  ADVERB at the  PLACE . It definitely WILL NOT BE  GENRE , because  NOUN  2 GENRES is anything but that. This type of music is typically  BPM + another  NUMBER and always features  ANIMAL sounds. This unique style of music never has  INSTRUMENT sounds so I hope you've practiced your  NOUN sounds and tuned your  NOUN.  INSTRUMENT (PLURAL) are a must but they always sound like  ADJECTIVE  SOUND .  GENRE vocals are a must when making this style. So start creating so you can give your friends a  ADJECTIVE performance and soon you will be better than  MUSICIAN/ARTIST !