
Once upon a time, there lived a  NUMBER BETWEEN 70 AND 200 year old Bubby who retired from her career as a  JOB. In her spare time, she watched other people's  PLURAL NOUN and  PLURAL NOUN. A group of gardeners came and asked her to watch their  TYPE OF TOOLS. She  ADVERB agreed. One day, Bubby was sick in bed with a bad case of  ILLNESS, and couldn't do her job. They decided to leave their stuff with  NAME the gardener. He suddenly heard the sound of  TYPE OF NOISE coming from down the block. He was feeling a little  ADJECTIVE, and he wanted to  VERB. He went and gave the  TYPE OF TOOLS to Bubby, who was feeling a little better. A very  ADJECTIVE thief came, and  ADVERB stole the stuff from Bubby. When she realized what happened, she yelled "!" The gardeners came back and were really  ADJECTIVE! They wanted  SAME NAME AS BEFORE to pay  NUMBER  CURRENCY for the shovels. They went to the beis din of Rav, and he dismissed the case. The Shomer was  ADJECTIVE, but the gardeners were  ADJECTIVE. Bubby went on to enjoy the rest of her retirement.