It's A Secret!

If you want to  VERB a  ADJECTIVE time during the first  NUMBER weeks of the  SEASON holiday, then come to St.  GIRL'S NAME's  SAME SEASON School. There are many different subjects to  VERB . There are the usual subjects like  SUBJECT,  SUBJECT, and  SUBJECT , but you can also do sports like  SCARY SPORT,  SCARY SPORT, and  SCARY SPORT. You can also do  VERB+! Summer school starts at  TIMEam and finishes at  TIMEpm. At  TIMEam there is recess when you can  VERB in/on the  PLACE or in/on the  PLACE, and at  TIMEpm you have a  ADJECTIVE lunch made by our  BOYS NAME’s  ROOM IN THE HOUSE chefs. It costs  NUMBERYen for each course and you can study four different courses in  NUMBER day(s). It is a great place to  VERB new  PLURAL NOUN and have a/an  ADJECTIVE time. So next year come to St.  SEASON School to learn and  VERB fun!